This book is about four dinosaurs called Teggs, Gipsy, Iggy and Arx. They go on dangerous missions. There is a mission Teggs needs to save the Carnivore King from an illness called lump bumps, if they don't find a cure his evil nephew will start a war.
I think the book is really funny and silly because the weapons they use to defend the sauropod are funny, they are called Dung torpedoes. There are different books like Astrosaurs: the Riddle of the Raptors, and The Hatching Horror.
I would recommend it for all ages.
Age: 11
Latchmere School
The Lottie Project
Monday, 02 March 2009 21:10
Jacqueline Wilson
This book is about an 11 year old girl, Charlotte (but everyone calls her Charlie). In class Charlie has a new teacher and she makes the children sit in girl, boy order. Due to Miss Beckworth, Charlie has to sit next to the most horrible boy in the class.They have also been set a home project to do which Charlie hates. The Victorians. Over the year Charlie discovers new exciting things that she never knew before in and out of school. She makes new friends but she has moments where she almost loses them forever. Her attitude changes and she actually writes a new, exciting diary of a Victorian servant and finally tries in class. But the question is which friends will she keep? And which will she lose forever?
This book is exciting and heart-warming. Because you don't know what happens next it is stomach churning and it makes your heart start beating fast. Everything in this book is brilliant there are no bad parts. Its nice because there are lots of things to learn from this book. I like the illustrations because they are fascinating to stare at. This book can also inspire many children to keep a diary or write a book since you can write down your thoughts and ideas. I rate this book 4/5 because it can make you happy but also upset. This story should be for children 8,9 or over.
Age: 10
Latchmere School
Last Updated ( Monday, 02 March 2009 21:11 )
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Sunday, 01 March 2009 18:29
*Roald Dahl
Although many of you have seen the film, the book is ten times better as it has more description. Charlie, who lives with many relatives, is very poor. However as it is his birthday his relatives give him some money to but a Willy Wonka chocolate bar. At this time they were giving away 5 golden tickets and so far there was only one left. Charlie was so anxious to win one. Will Charlie get the magnificent golden ticket? Will Charlie's dream come true?
This book is really great especially the Oompa Loompas, they are very small and
It's funny how they all get lost and Charlie is the only one left. This wonderful book is probably best to read from YR 3 and above.
Age: 11
War Boy
Sunday, 01 March 2009 18:23
Michael Foreman
It's set in world war two. It is written in the first person,by a boy called Michael. It tells you about what the war would have been like for a young boy. It tells you the adventures he had, the stories he was told and the people he met. It also has lots of pictures drawn by the author. His Mum owns a corner shop and alot of soldiers go in there, so he gets to make friends with many of them.
I thought the book had a really good ending, although it was a bit sad. I really enjoyed reading it because it has lots of humour which is really funny. It is also a great book because it's for adults and children. Michael Foreman is really clever how he can be really funny one minute, then the next, he makes it serious and reminds you that there's a war going on.
I really liked this book and I thoroughly recommend it for age 9+.
Age: 11
Latchmere School
Jacky Daydream
Friday, 27 February 2009 22:23
Jaquline Wilson
This is the story of Jacqueline when she was little and it has loads of different things you probably didn't know before! The book also tells you a paragraph about each different book by Jacqueline herself!
This is a great book to read because it has different photos of Jacqueline herself and it is non fiction! I think everyone should read it, especially the people that are a fan or who have read a couple of books by her!