This action-packed book is about a watch-maker mouse called Hermux. He owns a pet ladybird called Terfle, and has a best friend named Linka(she is also a mouse). Now that Linka has gone abroad with a friend he feels terribly lonely.
But then his arch enemy; Tucka, is plotting to take over a theatre where a stage star has gone missing. Hermux (who likes an adventure) gets a job as a backdrop designer at the theatre. Can he find out what is going on? Can he stop Tucka and find out who really is the star of the stage, before its to late?
I really enjoyed this book - I couldn't put it down and I sat on the edge of my seat throughout it! This story is a real page turner and I definitely recommend it. It is probably suitable for Year 5 and 6 but without a doubt; 10/10.
Age: 11
Latchmere School
Operation Gadgetman
Sunday, 15 March 2009 15:25
Malorie Blackman
Beans calls her dad Gadgetman because of the weird and wonderful gadgets he comes up with, everything from exploding biscuits to Spy Kits. But when Gadgetman accidentally invents a device that could be used to steal millions of pounds, the wrong people find out and he is kidnapped! With the help of her friends and her special Gadgetman Spy Kit, Beans is determined to track down the kidnappers and rescue her dad. But can she find Gadgetman before he is forced to hand over the details of his invention? Beans is doing everything to find her dad with her two friends. Is it Detective Warner, who might be disguised? Or Lucus, a familiar looking man? Or... Both????
This is a GREAT book. It is sometimes very emotional and funny at other times. Malorie Blackman is a brilliant author!
I would recommend this book for ages 7 and up.
I would rate this book 5/5.
Age: 10
Latchmere School
My Sister Jodie
Sunday, 15 March 2009 15:22
Jacqueline Wilson
Pearl and Jodie are sisters. Pearl is the quiet, cautious, studious one. Jodie is bold and brash and bad - but Pearl adores her anyway. When their parents get new jobs as the cook and caretaker at a fusty old boarding school, the girls have to move there and spend their summer holidays in the school with just a few children and staff for company. And when they arrive, things start to change. Jodie has always been the leader - but now it's Pearl who's making new friends. Jodie seems to be getting into more and more trouble. Pearl, now with her new friends, doesn't think that she needs her sister as much as she used to. But on the firework party, she finds out how much she needs her sister...
This is a very sad and emotional book. Some parts were funny, but some were very serious.
As this book contains strong language and is not suitable for young readers, I would recommend it for the ages of 10 and up.
I would rate this book 4/5.
Age: 10
Latchmere School
Cherub: Mad Dogs
Thursday, 12 March 2009 17:53
Robert Muchamore
James Adams is a highly respected CHERUB agent. Cherub is a secret organisation which children from the age of 10 - 17 can go on missions and help to bring down criminals. James is on a mission to stop gang wars in Mad Dogs, and has to find a way to get himself into a gang called Mad Dogs. The police need information fast and violence is exploding on the streets. Cherub has one major advantage, criminals never suspect that children are spying on them!
I couldn't put it down!! I really enjoyed it! I think the whole cherub series is fantastic but I just like this one even more as it gives a bit of an example of what might happen on the streets with all the gangs if we are not careful.
Age: 11
Southend High School for Girls
The Firework Makers Daughter
Friday, 06 March 2009 15:15
Phillip Pullman
The story is about a girl whose mother has run away, she lives with her father and she wants to become a firework maker (like her father), but then she gets very annoyed because he won't tell her the secret ingredient and so she goes away to find it in the mountains faraway.
I like the bit were they introduce the elephant called Trumpet because he toots like one. I would recommend this book for years 4 and 5, because it's really really nice to read about a place in India quite a long time ago.