War Horse PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 12 February 2009 21:27

Michael Morpurgo

 War Horse is about a horse in the 1st world war called Joey. At first, he works on a farm in the countryside. At the farm, he develops a strong friendship with the farmer's son (Albert)who teaches Joey how to become a proper working farm horse, alongside the other horse working at the farm, Zoey. But when the army comes to town, they are in desperate need of horses for the war so - although Albert really doesn't want him to - Albert's father sells Joey to the army. When Albert finds out, he is extremely upset and even though he is not old enough to join the army, he vows that he will join the army and find Joey. Meanwhile, Joey is being trained to be a 'war horse' in a special training school. When he is ready, he is shipped over to France, and to war. In war, he meets many dangers and friends. His best friend is a horse called Topthorn, who he met at the training school. I won't tell you the ending because it will ruin the book for you, but trust me, it is the best book I have ever read.

 I thought that War Horse was stunning. I am a great fan of horses so I enjoyed the book even more, but anyone who reads this book will love it. The story was so gripping that I couldn't stop reading once I had started. I definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested but it is quite hard at times so I think it is only for years 4-5 and over. If I was asked to, I would undoubtedly give this book 1000000/1000000.


Age: 10
latchmere school

Last Updated ( Thursday, 12 February 2009 21:38 )
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