Home Reviews 12 - 16 years The Diary of Anne Frank
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Thursday, 07 May 2009 20:08

Anne Frank

 Anne Frank is like any other 13 year old girl, she enjoys going to the cinema with her friends, going out with boys and is easily distracted from her studies. However, the year is 1942 and nothing will ever be the same again.

 The Nazis have occupied Amsterdam, where Anne lives, and have imposed all kinds of restrictions upon the Jewish community which Anne belongs to. It is no longer acceptable for Jewish people to visit parks or cinema's, they cannot ride trams or bicycles and a strict curfew is also enforced. These are just a few of the rules in place for Jews, which also makes it illegal to own a radio. The punishment for those who disobey is severe. However, much worse is to come.

 The German Nazis set up concentration camps around occupied Europe where Jews, their supporters and various other 'undesirables' were to be sent, often to die. In June 1942, Anne's sister, Margot, received her summons. It is at this point that the Frank family take drastic action.

 Like many Jewish people, The Franks (and a few friends) went into hiding above the offices where Anne's father works. This is an incredibly dangerous venture for both those in hiding and those who assist them. If found out or betrayed to the Germans, it would mean being sent straight to a concentration camp.

 Anne's family remained in hiding for two years. During this time they were never allowed to venture outside and between certain hours could not even move. Anne describes in her diary the events that take place in the 'secret annexe', from being ill and fear from intruders to the delight and passion of falling in love with a fellow 'inmate'. But everything must come to an end and betrayal to the Nazis is a deadly blow.


  The Diary of Anne Frank is a powerful text made more compelling by the fact that it is a piece of non-fiction written by the child herself. Despite her youth, Anne is a talented writer who manages to provide the reader with a real insight into the lives of the Jewish community during wartime Europe.

 Anne was very much ahead of her years in her ability to captivate her reader, describing the horrors and atrocities being committed by the Nazis along side the humourous antics of her companions in the 'secret annexe'.

 It is hard to imagine in peace-time Europe, the kind of evils inflicted upon a group of people just because they are of a particular ethnic background, especially on such a large scale. Anne's diary provides us with a sense of the fear and distress such hatred causes. Sadly such hatred is still evident in parts of the world today.

 The Diary of Anne Frank is both a heartfelt and poignant portrayal of life for the Jews in Nazi Europe, through the eyes of a young woman who was actually there. It is a brilliant text and should be read by everyone without exception!


Last Updated ( Friday, 08 May 2009 12:35 )
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