Fraser's Friends

******Competition Time******

To celebrate the relaunch of the Fraser's Friends website, all reviews submitted between now and end of May will be included in a draw. One young reviewer from each age category will be chosen at random to receive a £10 book voucher and their reviews will be posted on the website's home page. Please share! Smile

About Us

Fraser’s Friends is a website dedicated to providing quality book reviews for children by teachers, librarians, academics in the field and, most importantly, children themselves.  Who better to understand what it is that children want?

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing PDF Print E-mail
Written by Fraser   
Sunday, 12 April 2015 17:49

Judy Blume

 There is a boy called Peter and his little brother Fudge. But Fudge makes Peter angry. Peter goes to his best friend Jimmy Fargo's party and wins a Turtle. Fudge causes a lot of mischief such as when he gets lost at the cinema.

 It is a funny story and made me laugh a lot. It's good points are that it is very funny.
I like it when Peter says "He'll be 9 years old soon and then he won't get all the attention." I also like the birthday party where Jenny pees on the floor,
Good for ages 4+ if you want a good laugh. 8+ to read on your own. If you like it there are four in the series.


Age: 7

Last Updated ( Sunday, 12 April 2015 19:11 )
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